How much thought do you put into the accessories that you wear daily? They are bought and treasured and worn daily, weekly or maybe once in a while for special occasions. But some become a part of us and a special few become symbols or attachments in a way to periods in our life, the places we go and in this case the things that we overcome.

This ring belongs to a close friend, a friend who in the last two years has been dealt with a few tough cards. This ring a plain un-engraved accessory has traveled with her over the last few years, on exciting holidays and daily through some very very tough times. This ring was one of the few accessories which she carried with her to a doctors office, on the day of her cancer diagnoses and she kept it close during her cancer journey and treatments. The bravest and kindest heart I know beat the worst diagnosis.

After a tough few weeks she handed me this ring and asked me to engrave it with something special to remind her that she had beat her toughest challenge yet ? Yesterday was her birthday and not only did we get to eat cake but we got to laugh and celebrate her bravery and strength.
I also got to give this beautiful, now engraved ring back to her, it’s scratches and dents, like wrinkles on our faces evidence of its journey but the engraving now a reminder of just how brave and beautiful she is.

This ring has also served as a reminder that what we do, we do with love. Sometimes growing a brand and business is not about what you sell or what you do, it is about what brings you joy and grows you personally too. We are an ever changing brand and if engraving an old keepsake, something that is not a part of our range brings joy to our day. Then that is what we will do. Every story is different and we embrace them all and love that often we get to attach love and emotion to your orders and special requests.

*** You can get in touch with us at should you have a personal item which needs engraving.
