May being Mother’s Day month, inspired us to focus on the women who are not only amazing mums but who inspire us daily to be better, happier, stronger and kinder humans. Natasha Kisten-Skuce AKA @fitlikemummy is not only all of the above but she is funny, real and determined too. She embraces the strong, brave and fierce person which we have all grown to know and love, flaunts her curves and celebrates healthy living and loving daily.

At Tora Grace we are a small office of girls, and working with Natasha over the last few months has been extremely special. She has contributed so much with her ideas and inspiration, set us some challenges and we absolutely adore the way she layers her accessories. Which in effect completely go hand in hand with her many layers; the blogger, the working mom, the aircraft engineer (yip that’s what she really does) and the fitness influencer.  Because she has played such a big part in our brand over the last few months, we decided to pop her a few questions and share her answers with you…

Q. As a mom myself I have had “that’s it” days, the days that I either reach an all-time low or all-time high, the days that inspire me to start something new or make a really big change. Tell us about your “that’s it” day, the day that inspired thestart of your journey? 

A. My “that’s it” just happens to be the scariest day of my life.  After temporarily losing my sight while sitting at my desk with swollen feet and a migraine, I was rushed to my doctor.  After an extensive battery of tests, my doctors confirmed I was dangerously chronically ill.  On my way out, he left me with the words, “if you don’t do something, your kids will grow up without you!”  Really harsh but this was the wake-up call I needed.

Q. The quote “couples who train together stay together” is all over Pinterest but other than your hubby you have two AMAZING boys who have joined you on your journey. How has your journey affected them and the things that you do together as a family?

A. It was a conscious decision to take my kids on this journey.  After all, how could I focus on my health and well-being and not theirs?  Both boys benefit from us living a healthy lifestyle.  Skylar has lost weight and his fitness level has improved tremendously. He racks up an average of 25000 steps a day. Not too shabby for an 11 year old.    Ashton who has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and BPD benefits the most.  Daily exercise has seen him cope better than he has in the past. A healthy diet combined with exercise has improved his quality of life tenfold.  It helps stabilise his moods and is an awesome coping mechanism for anyone suffering with these conditions.

Q. The juggle – We all know that you are the absolute queen of meal prep. As a mom who is already struggling with time management what are the
best tips you can give to get started? 

A. Meal prepping is a tool that can save moms 8 to 10 hours during the week.  It doesn’t just have to be prepping meals for you.  You can prep snacks and dinners for the family as well.  

  • Choose a meal prep day (Mine is a Sunday as it sets the tone for the week ahead)
  • Plan meals for the week ahead
  • Make a grocery list (this save you loads of money as you only shop for what you need)
  • Shop on the day or day before your prep
  • Good quality airtight containers that can be used in the fridge are non-negotiable for meal prepping
  • Get your prep on. (1 tray cooking and cooking in bulk saves both time and money)
  • Allow food to cool before freezing 

@fitlikemummy 10 March

Q. Your post on 10 March really spoke to me and so many other moms I know. You have become such a positive role model to so many women, proving that age, being a mom, having an injury or circumstance should define or limit you. What has been your biggest mind-set change to get you to be in the confidant, beautiful place that you are in now? 

A. Thank you so much for the kind words and constant support.  I value it more than you ladies know.  Honestly, confidence has never been an issue for me.  Even at my heaviest when I wore a size 46 I oozed confidence.  As a child I didn’t grew up under the best circumstances.  I was constantly teased about my weight and I was put down a lot.  As an adult I was constantly judged for my choices. The establishment of the FIT LIKE MUMMY Blog has given me the opportunity to break those glass ceilings, I know women face on a daily basis.  My change in mind set is as a result of my followers.  As women we need to stand together and stand up for each other.  We need to own the power we possess so that we can live our best lives.

Q. While we are talking about posts ~ Your Boudior Shoot ~ EEK the photo’s you have shared so far have been sensational. We loved your post on 7 April and how you have the strength to stand your ground and not fall into the trap of conforming to society and changing who you are.  As a mom and woman tell us why you would highly recommend going for a shoot like this? 

A. Omg thanks so much.  That Boudoir Shoot was insanely amazing and turned out better than we ever expected.  We are all beautiful but as women we have the negative quality of always being so hard on ourselves.  We tend to see the beauty in everyone but not in ourselves.  A Boudoir shoot with a talented photographer and make-up and hair artist will give you the confidence boost you least expected.  They will enhance your beauty in the most incredible way which will help appreciate yourself more.  So whether you are doing it for yourself, a partner or social media, just do it!!

Q. Treats ~ As much as we try and stay focus, us girls at Tora Grace LOVE sweet treats. What is your all-time favourite treat meal/indulgence?

A. I didn’t even have to think about this.  Fav all time treat is chocolate ice-cream.  If you love me just send me chocolate ice-cream and Tora Grace Jewellery of course ☺

Q. We are all about quotes (as you can see on our jewellery) If you could choose one or two quotes/mantra’s to be engraved and worn daily to keep you inspired and motivated, what would they be?

A. “Self-love is the greatest revolution” – Fit Like Mummy

Q. We have been working together for a few months now and you have not only been such a complete inspiration and pillar of support but we absolutely love taking time out to have a quick chat and catch up with you too. What are your favourite parts about working and collaborating with brands such as ours?

A. This industry is an interesting one and finding the right brands to work with is key for me.  Collaborations are about give and take.  It’s also about believing in a brand and living that brand.  I want to work with brands who’s vision align with mine.  

@fitlikemummy & @zee_fitnessjunkie

Q.  Commonality ~ We absolutely adore our Instagram Family, we have been so blessed to work with amazing brands, momtrepreneurs and clients. It has opened us up to a world of inspiration and special friendships that never would have formed if it were not for Instagram; it is our creative happy place. Tell us about your #instafamily, do you have any really special accounts which you think we should be following?

A. How blessed am I when it comes to my #Instafamily.  I constantly receive the most incredible love and support from them. They are funny and with a twisted sense of humour (a lot like me).  My #Instafamily helps keep me motivated more than they know.  I value and appreciate them for trusting me with their stories.  My blog and social media platforms are much more than the numbers game, it’s about positively impacting lives.  It’s about community and supporting women. It’s about walking the talk instead of just saying “women supporting women”.

Q. With it being Mother’s Day month, you obviously have earned major brownie points with your boys, most moms don’t attend Fortnite events and drag their kids weekly to BOUNCE to “workout”;) But we are sure that your journey is not always sunshine and roses and schooling boys is not for sissies. What are your biggest challenges as a #boymom

A. I love this question.  We went to Monster Jam and I was losing my mind and my boys had to ask me to calm down, proof that I’m definitely a #boymom.  I am indeed one of the boys and I hold my own against these two, especially my 15 year old who is now stronger and faster than I am.  I don’t find raising boys challenging.  I guess being a single mom meant establishing strict rules so it’s our everyday normal. While we have an amazing bond and relationship the only challenge is us having to deal with childhood anxiety, BPD and depression.  It’s a 24 hour job that takes everything we have to give.

Q. Glamming it up. As a woman with many layers you also love layering your accessories, and we especially love the way you layer your Tora Grace.

Are you a silver or rose gold girl and what you’re favourite way to wear your jewellery?

A. I love my ever growing Tora Grace collection which has actually replaced all my other jewellery.  I wear my collection daily.  I honestly don’t have any rules when it comes to how I wear my jewellery; I mix and match depending on my outfits and my mood.  While I have your collection in gold, silver and rose gold … I’m probably a silver kind of girl in the day and gold at night

Q. Dealing with criticism ~ Instagram and social media platforms are filled with inspiration and positivity but people can be extremely opinionated too and unfortunately not everybody is kind. How do you constantly rise above this with a smile?

A. Touch wood but I have not been a victim of cyber bullying to date.  I’m extremely raw and real about my journey.  I’m honest about what I share and I believe that being honest disarms people.  That being said there will always be people who don’t like you or who hang around you because they see you as competition.  I pay no attention to that.  I started this journey for myself and it has grown into this beautiful journey of helping people.  My focus will always remain on helping others.

Q. Your stories are so casual and seem to come to you naturally but you have also been invited to speak at numerous events, which seems extremely daunting. Have you always been such a natural chatter?

A. I’m a chatterbox by nature, however up until I started the blog I wholeheartedly hated public speaking in any form.  I used to experience severe anxiety in school when I had to deliver a speech in from of my class.  Living to inspire has helped find my voice in more ways than one.  When it comes to public speaking I don’t prepare anything.  I prefer speaking off the cuff and from the heart.  It’s easy to tell a story when you speak from a place of honesty and love.

Q. Brand positivity is something so extremely important to us; it is also what drew us to you. What are the key pillars that you build your brand on?


  • Honesty
  • Acceptance
  • Respect
  • Self-discovery

Tora Grace “Goal Locks” ~ Requested and inspired by @fitlikemummy

Q.  Goals ~ you have crushed some serious goals! Can you share some of your 2019/2020 goals?

A. Damn oh damn.  I’ve been injury prone for the past two years and it’s been such a huge setback.  I’m 41 years old so I really need to be real with myself.  So I’ve taken the pressure off by chasing a weightloss number.  Instead, my only goal is to live a healthy balanced lifestyle.  Plus I love my curves, so they can stay.

Follow this inspirational mum on Instagram @fitlikemummy

Featured Product: Tora Grace “Goal Locks” Requested & inspired by @fitlikemummy The perfect way to be daily reminded of your hard work, accomplishments and motivation to unlock more goals.
